carbolic acid - translation to greek
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carbolic acid - translation to greek

Carbolic acid; Carbolic Acid; Hydroxybenzene; Phenate; Benzenol; PhOH; Phenic acid; Phenic Acid; C6H5OH; Benzene hydroxide; Hydroxy benzene; Phenyl hydroxide; Phenylic acid; ATC code C05BB05; ATCvet code QC05BB05; ATC code D08AE03; ATCvet code QD08AE03; ATC code N01BX03; ATCvet code QN01BX03; ATC code R02AA19; ATCvet code QR02AA19; Simple phenol; Diphenols; Di-phenols; Di-phenol; Tri-phenol; Tri-phenols; Triphenols; Triphenol; Hydroxyarene; Hydroxyarenes; Sodium phenate; Sodium carbolate; Phenyl alcohol; Monohydroxybenzene
  • Amine to phenol<ref name=":0"/>
  • Overview of the cumene process
  • Neutral phenol substructure "shape". An image of a computed electrostatic surface of neutral phenol molecule, showing neutral regions in green, electronegative areas in orange-red, and the electropositive phenolic proton in blue.
  • [[Resonance structures]] of the phenoxide anion
  • Phenol water phase diagram: Certain combinations of phenol and water can make two solutions in one bottle.
  • Phenol-cyclohexadienone tautomerism

carbolic acid         
φαινικό οξύ
mesotartaric acid         
  • Tartar emetic
  • Commercially produced tartaric acid
  • Unpurified potassium bitartrate can take on the color of the grape juice from which it was separated.
  • 150 px
  • Tartaric acid crystals drawn as if seen through an [[optical microscope]]
Tartaric Acid; D-tartaric acid; 2,3-dihydroxybutanedioic acid; Uvic acid; E334; Mesotartaric acid; C4H6O6; L-tartaric acid; Wine Diamonds; Tartaric (acid); 2,3-dihydroxysuccinic acid; Paratartaric acid; Threaric acid; (R,R)-tartrate; Tartaric crystals; Tartraric acid; Dihydroxysuccinic acid; Tart flavor; Dextro-tartaric acid; Dextro-Tartaric acid; Meso-tartaric acid; 🜿; 🝀
μεσοτρυγικό οξύ
valerianic acid         
βαλεριανικό οξύ, βαλεριανό οξύ, ναρδικό οξύ


carbolic acid
Carbolic acid or carbolic is a liquid that is used as a disinfectant and antiseptic.
Carbolic acid is usually used for cleaning...
She smelled strongly of carbolic soap.



Phenol (systematically named Benzenol, also called carbolic acid or phenolic acid) is an aromatic organic compound with the molecular formula C6H5OH. It is a white crystalline solid that is volatile. The molecule consists of a phenyl group (−C6H5) bonded to a hydroxy group (−OH). Mildly acidic, it requires careful handling because it can cause chemical burns.

Phenol was first extracted from coal tar, but today is produced on a large scale (about 7 billion kg/year) from petroleum-derived feedstocks. It is an important industrial commodity as a precursor to many materials and useful compounds. It is primarily used to synthesize plastics and related materials. Phenol and its chemical derivatives are essential for production of polycarbonates, epoxies, Bakelite, nylon, detergents, herbicides such as phenoxy herbicides, and numerous pharmaceutical drugs.

Examples of use of carbolic acid
1. Tests showed it was polluted with high levels of fluoride, nitrogen and phenol, also known as carbolic acid, it said.
2. Padre Pio has been accused of faking his stigmata using carbolic acid "The eve of my departure for Foggia, Padre Pio called me to one side and in great secrecy and asking me not to tell his fellow brothers gave me personally an empty bottle he asked me to act as a chauffeur take it back from Foggia to San Giovanni Rotondo with four grams of pure carbolic acid.
3. Drawing on a document found in the Vatican‘s own archive, the Italian historian Sergio Luzzatto says that the priest used neat carbolic acid to create his wounds and to aggravate them throughout his life.
4. And in 1'1', a year after the stigmata appeared, a young pharmacist called Maria De Vito claimed that the priest had bought four grams of carbolic acid from her, requesting she maintain the utmost secrecy.
5. An Italian monk who became the country‘s best–loved saint after being canonised by Pope John Paul II and who claimed to suffer stigmata or the wounds of Christ was a fake who used carbolic acid, according to a controversial new book.